Google Drawings Chess and Checkers – If only as a way to have students learn more about how Drawings works, these templates are a valuable classroom addition.General Resources and Templates – There are a ton of different templates available at this website, including a cartoon template, a character map, Cornell note-taking form, and an iPhone Message template that could be great to have students create a conversation between two literary or historical characters.All of them take data from a Google Sheet and transform the information.

Flippity – Flippity provides nine different templates that are designed more for teacher use, but could also be used by students.Collaborative Yearbook – Let your students celebrate their school year by creating a Google Slide yearbook together.Class Twitter Account – This Sheets template provides a way to manage Tweets sent out by your students from your classroom Twitter account.Build a Jack-o-Lantern – Carve a pumpkin with this Google Slides deck.This is a nice template to help them with that process. BreakoutEDU Student Reflection – The most critical part of any breakout is the reflection done by the students at the end.But it was so great that I just had to share it with you. Baseball Review Game – This great review game in Google Slides is technically for teachers and not students.Ask and Respond Template – Use this template and Google Slides to get information from your students about something they’ve read or studied, what they’re thinking, or their favorite band.Note: Make sure you make a copy of the template before you begin using it! Cross-Curricular Resources Here are some great Google templates for students to use either as their project starting block or for ideas. Instead, he or she may want to use an already-prepared template so that students can focus more on the content than on the mechanics of the technology. Sometimes, a content area teacher may not want to worry with the trouble of having students start a technology project from scratch.